Choral Evensong
6:00pm, Sunday 19 May 2019
St Pancras Parish Church, NW1 2BA
Music by Nicholas O’Neill, Anthony Esland, Alison Willis, Alastair Borthwick, Justine Koontz, and Simon Hancock
Preacher: Robin Griffith-Jones, Master of the Temple
- IntroitThis joyful EastertideNicholas O’Neill
- ResponsesPreces and ResponsesAnthony Esland
- HymnSpring has now unwrapped the flowers (Floridum)Alison Willis
- CanticlesMagnificat and Nunc DimittisAlastair Borthwick
- AnthemI was gladJustine Koontz
- VoluntaryToccataSimon Hancock
Call for Scores submissionWorld premiereUK premiere