Choral Evensong
6:00pm, Sunday 21 May 2023
St Pancras Parish Church, NW1 2BA
Music by Herbert Howells, Simon Hancock, Helene Hauglin, Anthony Esland, David Barton, and George Haynes
- PreludeSarabande for the 12th Day of any OctoberHerbert Howells
- IntroitOpen to Me the Gates of RighteousnessSimon Hancock
- ResponsesPreces and ResponsesHelene Hauglin
- CanticlesMagnificat and Nunc DimittisAnthony Esland
- AnthemThis is the dayDavid Barton
- VoluntarySalve Reginafrom Four MeditationsGeorge Haynes
Call for Scores submissionWorld premiereUK premiere