Tim Ambler


Tim Ambler Tim Ambler read mathematics at Oxford and business at MIT. After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant, he joined International Distillers and Vintners (now Diageo plc.) in 1963, progressing in due course to joint Managing Director. During this period he was involved in the launch of Baileys, Malibu, and Archers, and the development of Smirnoff vodka worldwide. This was followed by 20 years teaching and researching marketing at London Business School. He is a Senior Fellow of the Adam Smith Institute, The Marketing Society, and the Australian Marketing Institute.

Tim took up music composition after retiring from London Business School. He writes mostly vocal music (solos and choral, a cappella and with piano/organ) but also for wind. Westminster and Norwich Cathedrals and The London Festival of Contemporary Church Music are among those kind enough to have performed his work.

Biographical Details

  • Year of birth: 1937

Works by Tim Ambler

Festival performances of works by Tim Ambler

Festival commissionCall for Scores submissionWorld premiereLondon premiere

LFCCM 2024

LFCCM 2023

LFCCM 2022

LFCCM 2021

LFCCM @ Home

LFCCM 2019

LFCCM 2018

LFCCM 2017

LFCCM 2015

LFCCM 2014

LFCCM 2013

LFCCM 2012

LFCCM 2011

LFCCM 2010

LFCCM 2009

Recorded performances of works by Tim Ambler

LFCCM 2024

LFCCM 2023

LFCCM 2019

LFCCM 2015