Łukasz Urbaniak


Łukasz Urbaniak Łukasz Urbaniak is a composer, music theorist, pianist, and teacher. From 2003 to 2009 he studied composition at Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz with Professor Marek Jasiński. His primary artistic interest is sacred music from the Jewish and Christian traditions. His compositions have received many prizes in composition competitions, including First Prize in 1st National Choral Composers Competition For Passion Work, in Bydgoszcz, for De profundis (2004); Second Prize in the 15Th Adam Didur Open Composers Competition in Sanok for Three Songs for soprano and piano (2007); Second Prize in the 3rd National Choral Composers Competition for Passion Work in Bydgoszcz for Crucifixus (2008); two awards in National Composers Compositions For Choral Song A Cappella in Legnica for Gloria for female choir and Te Deum Laudamus for mixed choir (2008); Second Prize in the 5th International Composers Competition “Musica Sacra” in Częstochowa for Exaltabo te Domine (2009); Second Prize in the Composers Competition “Fides et Ratio” for Laudate Dominum (2009); Second Prize in the 7th International Composers Competition for Psalmus V (2011); First Prize in 2nd National Composers Competition For Liturgical Choral Work for In te Domine speravi (2011).

Łukasz’s compositions have been widely performed in Poland and abroad, in the International Festival “Rybnicka Jesień Chóralna”, the patronage of which was held by Henryk Mikołaj Górecki (2005); in the 8th International Festival of Sacred Song “Łapskie Te Deum” (2005); in Randers in Denmark (2005); in Hamburg in Germany (2005); in the 17th Adam Didur National Festival in Sanok, 2007; in Choral Festival “Cantate Domine” in Cracow (2006, 2007, 2010); in the International Festival of Sacred Music “Gaude Mater” in Częstochowa (2009, 2011); in “Legnica Cantat”, the National Tournament of Choirs, in the International “Serrania de Cuenca” in Spain (2010); in the International Festival “Musica Sacra a Roma” in Italy (2011); in “Christopher Summer Music Festival” in Vilnius, Lithuania (2011); and at The London Festival of Contemporary Church Music.

Biographical Details

Works by Łukasz Urbaniak

Festival performances of works by Łukasz Urbaniak

Call for Scores submissionWorld premiereUK premiere

LFCCM 2024

LFCCM 2023

LFCCM 2021

LFCCM 2019

LFCCM 2016

LFCCM 2013

LFCCM 2011

Recorded performances of works by Łukasz Urbaniak

LFCCM 2024

LFCCM 2021

LFCCM 2019