Gianluca Pantaleo


Gianluca Pantaleo Gianluca Pantaleo was born in Brindisi, in the south of Italy, in 1997. A professional actor, he graduated in 2020 from the Carlo Goldoni Drama School in Padua. Having come to composition relatively recently, his work in composition is self-taught and his pieces have been warmly received by professional composers and teachers. Some of his compositions have been performed in Brindisi by the San Giustino de’ Jacobis Choir, and he recently won the Paoluse Choral Society Composition Contest with his piece Dormi, Jesu.

Biographical Details

  • Year of birth: 1997

Works by Gianluca Pantaleo

Festival performances of works by Gianluca Pantaleo

Call for Scores submissionWorld premiere

LFCCM 2023