Edmund Jolliffe


Edmund Jolliffe The music of Edmund Jolliffe draws on a huge range of styles and influences. He writes music for film and television and is also an award-winning concert composer.

First Prizes in composition competitions include Eastern Michigan University Choral Competition, USA; Kantos Chamber Choir Carol Competition; Freudig Singers Choral Composition Competition, USA; Ithaca College Choral Composition Competition, USA; Amadeus Choir Song writing Competition, Canada; Ely Consort Advent Composing Competition; Hendrix Candlelight Carol Competition, USA; Renée B. Fisher Composer Award, USA.

Recent commissions include pieces for the Royal Academy of Music, the London Chinese Children’s Ensemble, and Oxford University Press Collections. His choral music is available from OUP, Stainer and Bell, Banks Music. Many of his pieces are set works on the ABRSM exam syllabus.

Edmund has been writing music to picture for over twenty years. Major series he has composed music for include “Who do you think you are?” (BBC1), “Homestead Rescue” (Discovery), “Sort your life out” (BBC1), “Grand Designs: The Street” (C4), “Crazy Delicious” (C4/Netflix), “Long Lost Family” (ITV1) and “Unreported World” (C4). He was nominated for an RTS Craft and Design Award for his score for the BBC film “Elizabeth at 90”.

Edmund is a Lecturer in Composing for the Moving Image at City University and taught composition at the Royal Academy of Music and Trinity College of Music (Junior Departments) for many years.

More information about him can be found at www.edmundjolliffe.com.

Biographical Details

Works by Edmund Jolliffe

Festival performances of works by Edmund Jolliffe

Festival commissionCall for Scores submissionWorld premiereLondon premiere

LFCCM 2024

LFCCM 2023

LFCCM 2022

LFCCM 2021

LFCCM 2019

LFCCM 2018

LFCCM 2008

Recorded performances of works by Edmund Jolliffe

LFCCM 2024

LFCCM 2023

LFCCM 2022

LFCCM 2021