The Trustees of
The London Festival of Contemporary Church Music
invite expressions of interest for the position of


The London Festival of Contemporary Church Music (LFCCM) was founded in 2002 by Christopher Batchelor to promote the living tradition of liturgical music for choir and organ. After more than 20 years of leadership, Dr Batchelor has indicated to the Trustees his intention to retire by 2026. The Trustees now seek to build a diverse roster of suitable Artistic Directors, rotating on an annual basis commencing from 2026, to ensure the Festival continues to thrive, grow, and engage both performers and audiences for many years to come.

Each Artistic Director will have overall artistic leadership and oversight responsibility for the LFCCM’s activities during a single calendar year, primarily focussing on developing, programming, and (in the case of conductors) executing a selection of the LFCCM’s artistic events during a 10-day long Festival normally coinciding with the Feast of St Pancras in the weeks after Easter. The dates of the 2026 Festival are expected to be Friday 8 May 2026 to Sunday 17 May 2026.

Historically, the format of the Festival has been two concerts, a variety of liturgical services during Festival week in a number of London venues, and the selection and management of both professional commissions and non-professional “Call for Scores”, typically within the constraints of a budget of between £12,000 to £15,000 (depending on fundraising) that covers the costs of concerts, performers, publicity, commissions, and such part-time administrative support as may be required, with the Artistic Director receiving a fee of £3,000 (included in, not in addition to, the overall budget). While this programme design has worked well for many years, the Trustees are open to thoughtful and artistically-informed evolutions of the design.

A particular focus area for the LFCCM is providing opportunities to composers, both emerging and established, through commissions, workshops, and the Festival’s popular “Call for Scores” open submission project.

We are looking for an Artistic Director who:

  • Brings a range of diverse artistic ideas and experiences to the role. Candidates might be established church performers or composers, but need not be either; expressions of interest from candidates with diverse artistic backgrounds are encouraged.
  • Has strong artistic ideas about the role of music and art in the church, and can translate those ideas into programmes that are both compelling and realistic.
  • Has contacts such as performing groups, composers, suitable venues that they would be able to engage in events.
  • Understands that, while administrative support is provided, Artistic Directors are expected to take an active and enthusiastic role in administration and fundraising.
  • Is interested in forming a relationship with the Trustees, potentially leading to successive appointments on a rotating annual basis.

To express your interest, please write to the Trustees at [email protected] using the subject line “Artistic Director”, including a current curriculum vitae and a one page outline of what you would hope to bring to the 2026 Festival — including potential artistic collaborators, composers, and any other applicable information — by 5pm on Monday 21 October 2024.